Showing posts with label Veggies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veggies. Show all posts

Beans n Lentils, Seedlings, 无架豆, 长豆, 扁豆,

Beans n Lentils Seedlings

20211015 Friday 1300 hot afternoon.   
Green been sprouts.

20211002 Saturday 0800 good morning.

Planted 19 sprouting Dou Miao seeds into this pot today.
To germinate bean seeds, you need to soak them in the water wrapped with wet paper towels for a few days.

龙须菜 豆苗种子

20211015 Friday 1300 hot afternoon.   
Green been sprouts.

20210925 Saturday 0800 good morning.
Day 1 seedlings

20211002 Saturday 0800 good morning.

Harvested two times

Skinny one?

20210924 Thursday 1000 sunny morning.


20210818 Wednesday 4.15 pm
10 days seedlings
Bean is growing fast

20200814 Tuesday 7.45 am
day 8 seedlings
discovered long beans sprouting


20200809 Monday 3.10 pm
Happy 56th National Day
Beans n Cucumbers Seedlings

Loosen the soils

Put in few seeds into each pot.

Cover the seeds with the soils,
Add in some new soils.
Pour in water.

Job has been done for today.

Limes, 酸柑,

20211129 Monday Sunny afternoon. 
Added 6 lime seeds into the same pot.
Day 1 

20211023 Saturday 0800 good morning.   

20211023 Saturday 0800 good morning.   

20211019 Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  

20210913 Monday 9.00 am Raining morning

Transplanted this maybe 6 months old lime.

20200818 Wednesday 4.30 pm 
Day 10 seedlings
About 4 cm tall.


20210922 Wednesday 0849 raining morning.

Transplanted the national  day lime to join with this bigger seedlings.  Only one came out.

20210809 Monday

Happy 56th National Day

Small Lime seedlings

Planted these lime seeds today.

Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourds, Momordica Charantia,苦瓜

Cuisine Plants,  Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening:  Bitter Gourds, 苦瓜,

Momordica Charantia

Momordica charantia is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit.

20211209 Thursday 1000 hot morning 


20211019 Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  
Added in seeds for .小苦瓜
Day 1 seedlings 

20211004 Monday 1600 Sunny Afternoon.

Added in seeds of small bitter gourds.



First Harvest



Bitter Gourds Seedlings

20210809 Monday 

Happy 56th National Day

Bitter Gourds Seedlings

20200615 Bitter Gourds Seedlings


Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Capsicum, Bell Peppers, Round Peppers, 灯笼椒

 Cuisine Plants,  Fruits, Veggies, Spices and Herbs Gardening:  Capsicum,  Round Peppers, 灯笼椒

20211209 Thursday 1000 hot morning. 

Day 29

20211128 Sunday 0730 after rain morning 

Day 18

20211119 Friday 0659 cool morning. 

Day 9

20211110 Wednesday 0900 cooling morning.  

Planted seeds of fresh organic sweet 🌶 peppers today on this dumpling tray.

Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  

Added in seeds for 五彩甜椒(灯笼椒)
Day 1 seedlings 

20210924 Friday 0900 Sunny morning 

Added in some seeds

20210813 Friday 8.00 am

20210805 Thursday 8.45 am.

Capsicum,  Round Pepper Seedlings

Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Lemon, 柠檬,

20210808 Sunday 8 am
Lemons fruits, rich in antioxidant vitamin C and potassium,  which help protect against cancer,  cardiovascular disease, asthma attacks, .

The flavonoids in citrus fruits may help lower the risk of ischemic stroke in women.
Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. 
It can happen when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the brain.

Iron deficiency is a leading cause of anemia.

Squeezing a bit of Lemon Juice to the salad containing baby spinach leaves and raisins can help maximize the intake of both iron and vitamin C.

Symptoms can start to appear within a month of not consuming vitamin C, and they include:

malaise (a feeling of being unwell)
inflammation of the gums or bleeding gums
red patches on the skin due to blood vessels breaking beneath the surface
joint pain
slow wound healing
loosening of teeth
Many of these happen when the connective tissues weaken due to the lack of vitamin C.

Since vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, people who are deficient in iron may also develop anemia.

20200615 Lemon and Green Lemon Seedlings

20210809 Monday 
Happy National day

Today I transplanted this 16 months old lemon planted on 20200424.

Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Lemongrass, 香茅,

20210809 Monday 10 am
PH Happy 56th National Day

Transplanted these 2 messy pots today.

20210808 Sunday 8 am

lemongrass for the Thai Cuisine Tom Yam

Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Grapefruit, Pomelo, Shaddock, yuzu, 柚子,

Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Brinjal, eggplant, 茄子,

Brinjal, Eggplant, 


20220223 Wednesday 0600  Cooling Morning   

20220213 Sunday 0800  Cooling Morning   

20220204 Friday 0900 Good Morning.  

一条 一条 又 一条,
茄子茄子是茄子 🍆 ,呼咧!

好像 加多一些鸡粪 肥料,
它这一回 长出来的, 
比较大 也 比较直 哦 😊


20220122 Saturday 11.00 am Sunny


20220110 Monday 0800 good morning 
Seeds planted 20200730
Month 18th

又 见 茄 子 花 开 时





20211019 Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  
Added in seeds for brinjal
Day 1 seedlings 

20210914 Tuesday 1030

Added 4 seeds to this pot.

Raining Season
20210824 Tuesday 1030
Heavy Rain

Added 10 seeds of round brinjal


20210914 Tuesday 1030

Added 4 seeds to this pot.

20211126 Wednesday 1700 Sunny Afternoon     
 Added seeds of 黑龙长茄

20210914 Tuesday 1030

Added 4 seeds to this pot.

20210818 Wednesday 4.30 pm
Cloudy afternoon.
Brinjal blossoming.

I found six flowers.  Can u?

20210812 Thursday7.38 am

20210810 Tuesday 10.19 am
Add in 3 types of brinjal seeds.

Add in seeds in the same pot for seedlings.

20210808 Sunday 8 am


Brinjal Seeds sprout best at a temperature 21°C to 32°C (70°F to 90°F).

The ideal temperature range for vegetative to flower to fruit is 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 85°F).
Beyond 30°C (85°F) fruiting will stop and flowers will drop off or lose their ovaries.

Humidity should be 65% to 75% with media moisture level to maintain at 80% (85% during fruiting).

At optimal conditions, the growing eggplant seedlings will emerge in 7 to 10 days after sowing. 
2 weeks after sprouting, fertilize the seedlings once per week with a soluble fertilizer.
Prepare to transplant in 6 to 8 weeks.  