Malabar spinach (Basella alba or Basella rubra) ,
20220223 Wednesday 0600 Cooling Morning
Harvested one plate this MorningAfter coming from jogging. still in the dark dawn.
20220113 Thursday 1900 hot afternoon
2 weeks' growth
20211129 Monday 0900 Sunny Morning
Harvested for dinner.
20211116 Tuesday 1500 sunny afternoon
Trim for diner.
20210922 Wednesday 0849 raining morning.
Dropped all-black ripe seeds onto the lower pot.
And they start growing.
Raining season
20210824 Tuesday 1030 hrs
Heavy rain
Seeds, seeds, dropping, dropping!!!
20210814 Saturday 7.50 am
trim lor ...

Malabar Spinach, (Basella Albay) is a tropical edible/ornamental perennial herbaceous/foliage vine, that can be easily found in the Tropical Region of China, India, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Africa. It can run up to 10 meters in length with a given time frame.
Malabar Spinach is usually eaten raw in Salad. Leaves are soft and tasty for quick stir-fried with Oyster Sauce as well or even been cooked in the soup. The stems are mucilaginous.
Harvest the leaves before they start growing their flowers. Once the plants grow out with the flowers, the leaves become bitter. Always keep the soil constantly moist to prevent the vines from developing their flowers. a balanced and slow-release of fertilizer is best for this plant.
Their seeds germinate best within three weeks with the soils' temperature is in between 18°C and 24°C (65°F and 75°F), best grown in the summer.
Malabar spinach is high in Vitamin A (100 grams contains roughly 8,000 units), Vitamin C, iron, and calcium. It has a high amount of protein for a plant and is also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.
It has a good amount of antioxidants, particularly beta carotene and lutein, those naturally occurring chemicals that help keep your cells from aging. Rubra seems to be slightly higher in antioxidants, probably due to the purple color.
Malabar spinach can be used raw, in salads, or as a stand-alone vegetable. You can also use it like spinach in soups and stews. Steamed Malabar spinach is great and will yield more than conventional spinach due to its fleshy nature.
Malabar Spinach, (Basella Albay)
It is also known as Ceylon Spinach, Indian Spinach, Climbing Spinach.
Other common names include Vine Spinach, Red Vine Spinach, Creeping Spinach, and Ceylon Spinach.
学名: 木耳菜
别称: 潺菜、落葵、豆腐菜、紫角叶,菊三七属植物。
味: 甘酸
性: 寒
归: 心、肝、脾、大肠、小肠经.
功效: 具有清热、解毒、滑肠、润燥、凉血、生肌的功效.
多年生高大草本,高1.5-2米。花果期 9- 月。
20211225 Saturday 1600
木耳菜的人群宜忌. 食物相克表.
适宜人群: 一般人群都适合吃,特别是高血压、肝病、便秘、老年人可以适当多吃.
禁忌人群: 孕妇及脾胃虚寒者慎食.
