Showing posts with label Spices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spices. Show all posts

Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourds, Momordica Charantia,苦瓜

Cuisine Plants,  Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening:  Bitter Gourds, 苦瓜,

Momordica Charantia

Momordica charantia is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit.

20211209 Thursday 1000 hot morning 


20211019 Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  
Added in seeds for .小苦瓜
Day 1 seedlings 

20211004 Monday 1600 Sunny Afternoon.

Added in seeds of small bitter gourds.



First Harvest



Bitter Gourds Seedlings

20210809 Monday 

Happy 56th National Day

Bitter Gourds Seedlings

20200615 Bitter Gourds Seedlings


Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Capsicum, Bell Peppers, Round Peppers, 灯笼椒

 Cuisine Plants,  Fruits, Veggies, Spices and Herbs Gardening:  Capsicum,  Round Peppers, 灯笼椒

20211209 Thursday 1000 hot morning. 

Day 29

20211128 Sunday 0730 after rain morning 

Day 18

20211119 Friday 0659 cool morning. 

Day 9

20211110 Wednesday 0900 cooling morning.  

Planted seeds of fresh organic sweet 🌶 peppers today on this dumpling tray.

Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  

Added in seeds for 五彩甜椒(灯笼椒)
Day 1 seedlings 

20210924 Friday 0900 Sunny morning 

Added in some seeds

20210813 Friday 8.00 am

20210805 Thursday 8.45 am.

Capsicum,  Round Pepper Seedlings