Holy basil is not the same as the common green cooking herb found in the produce aisle at the grocery store. In fact, there are approximately 150 different varieties of basil. Each has its own unique healing properties, flavor, smell, and culinary use.
Common types of basil include:
Genovese and sweet basil
(Ocimum basilicum):
This is the common type of basil used in Italian cooking, most popular for its use in flavoring pesto sauce. The plant has large green leaves that offer just a hint of clove flavor. It’s been used to relieve itching from insect bites, to treat coughs, asthma, nervous conditions, and more.
Thai basil
(Ocimum basilicum var thyrsiflora):
This is often used in Vietnamese and Thai cuisine; the flavor of Thai basil is of both mint and licorice. The leaves of the plant are lighter green than Genovese or sweet basil, and the shape of the leaves is not as round (but, rather, spear-like).
There are several variations of Thai basil, including:
- Thai basil (O. horapha): Widely used throughout Southeast Asia
- Thai lemon basil (O. maenglak): With a slight taste and scent of lemon.
- Holy basil (O. tenuiflorum): Has a spicy, peppery, strong clove-like taste; this is the type of basil preferred in Thai cooking. It is commonly used in Indian dishes, and for a wide range of medicinal uses, as well as for religious purposes.
They may perform many different functions including:
- Balancing hormones such as cortisol (the stress hormone)
- Improving brain function
- Boosting the immune system
- Lowering inflammation
- Improving energy levels
- Improving organ and bodily system (such as GI) function.
- Back pain
- Earache
- Cold and flu
- Dysentery
- Genitourinary disorders (conditions involving the urinary system and genitals)
- Bronchitis
- Viral hepatitis
- Malaria
- Tuberculosis
- Ringworm
- Snakebite antidote
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Heart disease
- Metabolic disorders (15 studies on conditions such as diabetes)
- Neurocognitive disorders (4 studies on conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or mood disorders, like depression)
- Immunity and infections (5 studies)
- Sleep problems
- Sexual problems
- Severe fatigue
- Memory problems