Showing posts with label Brinjal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brinjal. Show all posts

Cuisine Plants, Fruits, Veggies, Aroma Spices and Herbs Gardening: Brinjal, eggplant, 茄子,

Brinjal, Eggplant, 


20220223 Wednesday 0600  Cooling Morning   

20220213 Sunday 0800  Cooling Morning   

20220204 Friday 0900 Good Morning.  

一条 一条 又 一条,
茄子茄子是茄子 🍆 ,呼咧!

好像 加多一些鸡粪 肥料,
它这一回 长出来的, 
比较大 也 比较直 哦 😊


20220122 Saturday 11.00 am Sunny


20220110 Monday 0800 good morning 
Seeds planted 20200730
Month 18th

又 见 茄 子 花 开 时





20211019 Tuesday 1000 Hot Morning.  
Added in seeds for brinjal
Day 1 seedlings 

20210914 Tuesday 1030

Added 4 seeds to this pot.

Raining Season
20210824 Tuesday 1030
Heavy Rain

Added 10 seeds of round brinjal


20210914 Tuesday 1030

Added 4 seeds to this pot.

20211126 Wednesday 1700 Sunny Afternoon     
 Added seeds of 黑龙长茄

20210914 Tuesday 1030

Added 4 seeds to this pot.

20210818 Wednesday 4.30 pm
Cloudy afternoon.
Brinjal blossoming.

I found six flowers.  Can u?

20210812 Thursday7.38 am

20210810 Tuesday 10.19 am
Add in 3 types of brinjal seeds.

Add in seeds in the same pot for seedlings.

20210808 Sunday 8 am


Brinjal Seeds sprout best at a temperature 21°C to 32°C (70°F to 90°F).

The ideal temperature range for vegetative to flower to fruit is 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 85°F).
Beyond 30°C (85°F) fruiting will stop and flowers will drop off or lose their ovaries.

Humidity should be 65% to 75% with media moisture level to maintain at 80% (85% during fruiting).

At optimal conditions, the growing eggplant seedlings will emerge in 7 to 10 days after sowing. 
2 weeks after sprouting, fertilize the seedlings once per week with a soluble fertilizer.
Prepare to transplant in 6 to 8 weeks.  