Balcony farming Veggie Seedlings
阳台小菜园 3
Farm 1 阳台小菜园 1: veggie seedlings on the shelves 叠层菜盆
Farm 2 阳台小菜园 2: veggie seedlings on the planter tanks 土培水箱
Farm 3 阳台小菜园 3: Green Wall 绿墙植苗
Farm 3.1 veggie seedlings on the green wall, 绿墙菜苗
3.1.1 菜心苗 Baby Spinaches
3.1.2 薄荷 Mints
3.1.3 萝卜苗 Turnip Seedlings / Radish Sprouts
3.1.4 生菜 Lettuce
3.1.5 苋菜 Spinaches
3.1.6 紫苏 紫贝 紫罗兰
3.1.8 菀荽 万岁 Coriander
3.1.1 菜心苗 Baby Spinaches
3.1.2 薄荷 Mints
3.1.3 萝卜苗 Turnip Seedlings / Radish Sprouts
3.1.4 生菜 Lettuce
3.1.5 苋菜 Spinaches
3.1.6 紫苏 紫贝 紫罗兰
3.1.8 菀荽 万岁 Coriander
Farm 3.2 Growing 450 Veggies with Green Wall Pockets Planter on a 30 sq ft land space
20211223 Thursday 0800 good morning.

20211216 Thursday sunny morning
Put up the sprinkles today completed a fully auto irrigation system.

20211211 Saturday 0800 after rain
Harvest on Saturday Morning
20211210 Friday 1000 hot morning
20211203 Fri 1800 hot afternoon
20211209 Thursday 0900 hot morning.
20211201 Wednesday very hot morning.
Must be tasty. Got eaten by the birds 🐦 yeh.
No wonder those seeds I put in all got disappeared.
No wonder those seeds I put in all got disappeared.
20211130 Tuesday 1000 sunny morning
Day 70
Leaves got eaten away by birds?
20211127 Saturday 0900 good morning.
20211119 Friday 0659 cool morning.
20211028 Thursday 1300 shady afternoon
Day 1 Added some more spinach seeds into the cups.