COOKING, 料理烹饪, 烹调,
Breakfast Today, 今日早餐,Lunch Today, 今日午餐,Tonight's Dinner, 今 夜 の 晚 膳,
Tonight's Dinner
20241014 1700 Monday Rainny
20241014 1700 Monday RainnyTry new way to "bake" lamb chop in the Meyer oven.
200 °C 40 minutes
20240909 1234 Monday, Sunny, hot afternoon 28 °C
煲汤 老火汤 鸡骨 干贝 红枣 枸杞子玉蜀黍 冬瓜2 hours in my favourite slow cooker pot.
20240908 Sunday, Sunny, hot afternoon 28 °C
Add all kinds of whatever suitable ingredients you can find from the fridge, salt, black peppers, 孜然小茴香,丁香, 八角,贵皮,butter, canary squeeze
SETTINGUse upper heater250°C30 Minutes
... "ding..."
202408050 Monday 1839 27°C Sunny
20240804 Sunday 1800
Raining, have some simple spaghetti at home
20220327 Sunday 1800 探鱼 Tampines One #04
20220216 Wednesday 1130
20220211 Friday 18300Cooling Afternoon
Baking the Raw Albony and the Ba Dang Fish in the Europace Toaster oven.
250 ℃ 15 minutes
20220209 Wednesday 1830
Fish Nuggets
Air Fryer 200℃ 20 minutes.4 minutes + 10 minutes + 6 minutes
Grill Prawns and Grill Scallops烤虾 烤鲜干贝
青发 白板
红中 青发 白板
20220209 Wednesday 1830
壬寅年 壬寅月 癸巳日
not too sure what have I done? probably had have touched something not right,
all previous pictures were gone!
hope to retrieve them back.
Can anyone advise how to?
20220207 Monday 07500 After Rain Cooling Morning
初七 人日
先来一个 炒 米 线。

再来 一份 冬炎 鱼头 鱼尾

来一份 爆炒 大虾 
然后 。。。
终于搞定人日七样菜 (超过七样了)!

年菜 总是 少不了 海参 干贝 鲍鱼
哦那个的用的是 。。。

打油诗一首百财算着结拦来 辣妹猜心连藕香白菜 蒜仔 芥蓝 辣椒 菜心 莲藕 香菜
人日初七煮七菜 青丝百寿冲万岁(葱)万岁(菀荽)

20220205 Saturday 1800 Stopped Rain.

20220131 Monday 1300 Union Lunch
于去年2021 五月底,痛失慈父,还没缓过来,实在没心情如常招待。
今年的除夕夜,简单的除夕晚餐 ---> 自助烧烤,自己来。
20220129 Saturday 1700
七颗 鲍鱼孙
20220127 Thursday 1900
20220127 Thursday 1900

20220108 Saturday 1800 Sunny Afternoon
202112218 Saturday 1900 Hot Afternoon

20211021 Thursday 1830 after rain.
20210821 Saturday 1800 hrs
Ma La Steam Pot Holy Basil yong tao hu soup with kangkong.
Holy Basil stir-fried lean pork with green chili.

20210821 Saturday 1730 hrsSpaghetti with a stewed knuckle.

Easy and efficient braised/stewed Pork knuckle/trotters using this energy-saving thermal pot, instead of using the traditional method, that we have to stew over the gas stove for at least three to four hours or using an electric slow cooker stew for a minimum of two hours.

Use this energy-saving thermal pot, put in all ingredients, sauces, and water, you only need to boil it on the stove (biggest fire) for 10 minutes, move the pot to its thermal tub, lock it inside the tub and braise for one and a half hours, repeat it for 4 times, total boil 4 times of 10 minutes and braise for a total of 6 hours.

The texture is smooth, soft, juicy, and tasty.
INGREDIENTSknuckle/trotters(Alpinia galanga (Linn.) Willd.) Thai ginger,cinnamon, cloves, star anise, dark sauce,hua diao wine,some water (not too much),decorate with coriander, cilantro, parsley.
Dish 1serve with fresh raw lettuce, salads. Go with plain rice, spaghetti, or steamed butterfly buns/leaf buns.

Dish 2Add dried vegetable Go with plain rice or spaghetti.Or go with kway chap (broad rice mill)
Dish 3Add dry bean curd, fried bean curd, bean sticks, hard boil eggs Go with plain rice or spaghetti.Or go with kway chap (broad rice mill)


使用焖烧锅 , 焖猪肘子/猪蹄 , 只需要把装了食材, 酱料与水的锅放在火炉上大火煮 十分钟,然后将整个锅移至焖桶里头,锁上锁扣子,焖上一个半小时。

重复 两 至 三 次,也就是 4 至 6小时内, 在火炉上 煮 2 或 3 次 的 十分钟,然后 移至 焖桶里 继续 焖煮。
猪蹄 / 猪肘子(肉 太大一团,太粗,太大块,必须 用刀子划开。)
南姜,生姜,桂皮,丁香,八角,花雕酒,黑酱油/老抽,少水。(不要放咸 待会儿 加上 梅菜干之后 将会很咸。)
上菜把鸡蛋剥壳,配与生菜,香菜或者芹菜上桌。红辣椒 莞荽点缀。
食用时 用 小刀子 将 外边的肉 一片一片 削 下来食用 便可。
一般 如若 肘子 太过大颗时,削到里头时,会发现 里头的肉 还会有些 红, 可以 于餐后 进行 第三次 焖煮,隔日使用。也可以待凉后,用小盒子 分成 数份 , 冰冻起来 做成 "猪脚冻",可于 日后享用。
主食 白米饭,粿汁 / 阔片粿条 / 老鼠粉,意大利面条, 或者扣肉包/荷叶包柳叶包。   
二加上 梅菜干 煮一煮,配与主食 白米饭 或者 意大利面条。
三加上 豆干 豆卜 豆枝条 熟鸡蛋,配与主食 白米饭 或者 意大利面条,或者 裹汁 (阔片裹条)。

有诗云 :“ 柴火罨烟焰不起,待他自熟莫催他,火候足时他自美。”《猪肉颂》
据《清稗类钞》 饮食类三 《东坡肉》条:《东坡集》有食猪肉诗云:“。。。 。。。慢着火、少著水,柴头罨烟焰不起,待他自熟莫催它,火候足时它自美;早晨起来打两碗,饱得自家君莫管。”
Kale cauliflower, Kale Stir fry with Abalone slices.芥兰菜花 芥兰菜 炒 鲍鱼片.

stir fry for 10 minutes.大火快炒 十 分钟。

20210117 Sunday 星期日
午餐肉 橄榄菜 蛋炒饭Fried rice with luncheon meat, Olive leaves, and eggs.
鱼饼 爆炒小白菜Fish cake fried xiao bai cai.

红中 青发 白板
all previous pictures were gone!
hope to retrieve them back.
Can anyone advise how to?