Hydroponic Seedlings Station
Spiniches preferred temperature 18°C
Fresh and healthy seeds shall sprout for 2 to 15 days with the correct temperature 16°C to 24°C (60°F to 75°F), the humidity, and lights.
Leaves need lights for photosynthesis.
Transplant the seedlings 30 days after sowing the seeds.
keep 10 cm apart if they are transplanted in the soil.
It is natural that some of them will survive some will not.
It is natural that some of them will survive some will not.
Harvest 4 to 6 weeks after transplant.
Some sooner some later.
Trim the fresh leaves and allow them to continue growing.
The FOUR SQ FEET Hydroponic Seedlings Station
20211130 Tuesday 1000 sunny morning
My 4 sq ft hydroponic seedlings station
20211213 Monday 2000
Day 10
When the seeds are fresh and healthy, all of them start sprouting on the 2nd day.
They will appear in this way in 2 weeks' time:
They will appear in this way in 2 weeks' time:
let them further develop their root system before being moved to the hydroponic systems.
They will have a much higher survival rate with a stronger foundation.
They will have a much higher survival rate with a stronger foundation.
20211206 Monday 0800 good morning
Day 3
Day 1
Lettuce maiko
Lettuce grand rapids
Mixed veggie seeds
20211126 Friday 0900 good morning
Day 3
20211203 Friday 0900 cold morning
Day 1
Lettuce maiko
Lettuce grand rapids
20211123 Tuesday 0455 quiet morning
20211203 Friday 0900 cold morning
Day 1
Lettuce grand rapids
20211130 Tuesday 1000 sunny morning
Day 1
Added seeds for 紫罗兰
20211128 Sunday 0800 after rain morning.
Day 8
20211120 Saturday 0500 raining
Day 1
20211203 Friday 0900 cold morning
Day 1
Lettuce maiko
Lettuce grand rapids
20211128 Sunday 0800 after rain morning.
Day 8
20211123 Tuesday 0500 quiet morning.
Day 3
20211120 Saturday 0500 raining
Lettuce Grand Rapids
20211206 Monday 0800 good morning
Day 7 sow 20211129
Day 17 sow 20211115
20211129 Monday 0900 Sunny Morning
New seeds arrived this morning.
Added to the sponge gaps.
Day 1
20211128 Sunday 0800 after rain morning
Day 5
20211126 Friday 0900 good morning.
Day 3
4 seeds per sponge.
Seeds planted on 20211124
Lettuce Grand Rapids
2021112 Saturday 0900 good morning.
Day 13
20211126 Friday 0900 good morning.
Day 12
Seeds planted on 20211115
20211124 Wednesday 1200 rain.
Day 1
Day 9
Half of the tray is sprouting.
2nd Half of the tray not sprouting.
Hence I added one more round of Lettuce Grand Rapid.
20211121 Sunday 0200 quiet midnight 🌙
Day 6
Found another 4 sprouting seeds.
20211120 Saturday 0500 raining
Day 5
Found 12 seeds started sprouting.
20211115 Monday 0800 good morning
Day 1
Chye Sim
20211203 Friday 0800 cool morning
Day 9
20211124 Wednesday 0500 quiet morning.
Day 1
Still, nothing comes out from the Lettuce Maiko,
I add in one round of Chye Sim seeds at the center of the grooves.
Lettuce Maiko
20211129 Monday 0900 Sunny Morning
New seeds arrived this morning.
Added to the sponge gaps
Day 1
20211115 Monday 0800 good morning
Day 1
20211121 Sunday 0200 quiet midnight 🌙
Day 10
Found one seed starts to sprout.
20211120 Saturday 0500 raining
Day 9
Here they go. Enjoy the fountain with the others.
20211119 Friday 0659 cool morning.
Day 8
Found 7 sprouting seedlings,
Take them out for a sunbath holiday.

Pour in half scope of nutrient water from the water tank to make sure they are comfortable with the density. If the solution is too strong,, their roots will get burned and it will appear in their leaves burnt and gradually drying out.

3D2N Stay here for 2 nights.
20211115 Monday 0800 good morning
20211111 Thursday 0800 good morning
Day 1
Press and soak the sponges in the water.
Press out all the air from the sponges.
Keep half-height of the sponges with water.
Drop one to three seeds in each cell.
Check water daily.
Wait for three weeks.
20210921 Tuesday 0845 warm morning
Day 8 seedlings
20210916 Thursday 06.00 am Rainy morning.
Day 15
Move out those with leaves and move them under sunlight.
Move out those with leaves and move them under sunlight.
20210916 Thursday 06.00 am quiet morning.
Day 25 seedlings
Continue to move the sprouting ones to the sponges.
Really need a lot of patients.
20210911 Saturday 1627 hours a hot afternoon.
Day 10 seedlings
After Day 28 dispose of un-sprouted seeds to the garden soil.
20210911 Saturday 1627 hours a hot afternoon.
Day 20
Transfer the sprouted one to a wet sponge bed one by one.
6 sponges for the 7 color chilies seedlings.
The rest are veggies lettuce seedlings.
Day 19 seedlings
Found a few seeds sprouting. Move them to sponges.
20210910 Friday 09.00 am Rainy morning.
Day 18 seedlings.
Started to see some seeds sprouting.
20210901 Wednesday 13.15 pm hot afternoon
Day 1
Put in new seeds today.
20210831 Tuesday 1313 Hot afternoon.
Day 1
Put in some Strawberry seeds on a sponge with a small cup of water.
Strawberry seeds need light to germinate.
Hence do not bury the seeds in the soil surface.
20210831 Tuesday 1313 Hot afternoon.
Day 1 Seedlings
Put in some 7 colors chili seeds on a sponge with a small cup of water.
20210827 Friday 1556
20210823 Monday 0745
Day 6
Heavy rain for the past 3 days.
Heavy rain for the past 3 days.
Room temperature 26°C
Nothing yet.
20210822 Sunday 0700
Day 27 seedlings
Day 3 with the light on 24 hrs
consolation prize
Morning 7 am,
20210820 Friday 7.10 am
Day 25 seedlings
Add on the LED UV lights.
Day 1 Light.
What has happened to these 25 days seeds?
Still not coming out?
Add on the lamp overnight see how?
Enlarge them u can see white sprouts are out.
But they are just not growing.
Some seeds are too old, expired, bad, or dead.
so, I went online to find out the conditions to geminate Lettuce Seeds Efficiently.
Okay, it says, between 16°C to 24°C
and Lettuce seeds need light to germinate
Hence I decided to put Ice in the seedling trays to cool down the water since our room temperature here is already 29°C to 32°C most of the time.
Let's try out with the LED UV light tonight and see how.
20210820 Friday 1947 hrs
Day 1 seedlings
Try this method before disposing of them off when seeds are old.
Another type of Germination.
Just pour seeds into the water. Soak overnight.
Just pour seeds into the water. Soak overnight.
The next day moves all seeds to the soil.
I don't expect many of them to come out since these were last year's seeds.
After salvage, pick up whichever can sprout then pour all the rest into the soils.
After salvage, pick up whichever can sprout then pour all the rest into the soils.
20210818 Wednesday 6:00 pm Cloudy Evening.
Day 2
Peep and Check.
Peep and Check.
" Lettuce seeds take 2 to 15 days to germinate. Lettuce seeds germinate faster with optimal soil temperature, humidity, and air circulation. "
"The University of California suggests that it will take lettuce seeds around 2 days to germinate at a soil temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).
On the other hand, lettuce seeds will take around 15 days to germinate at a soil temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius).
It will also depend on various other factors that affect time to seed germination – let’s get into some of those now!"
Temperature to germinate Lettuce Seeds:
No of Days Seed Sprouts Temperature Temperature
(degrees Fahrenheit) (degrees Celcius)
Min 15 days 32°F 0 to 5 °C
Ideal 2 days 60 °F to 75 °F 16°C to 24 °C
Max 85 °F 29.4°C
Above this temperature,
they will not Germinate
" Lettuce seed will germinate at 35°F ( 2°C) but optimum germination is 70 to 75°F ( 21°C to 24°C) ). If the plants are sufficiently hardened, they will withstand freezing. "
"lettuce seed can germinate when the soil temperature is 35 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit ( 2°C to 26°C) ). The ideal soil temperature for germination though is 70°F to 75°F ( 21°C to 24°C). In cooler temperatures, germination takes longer. When temperatures are warmer than 70 to 75 F ( 21°C to 24°C), lettuce seed may not germinate."
"Lettuce is adaptable to many growing conditions but likes it cool - around 60°F to 65°F ( 15°C to 18°C). "
" Lettuce seeds need light to germinate, which is why they are planted in shallow soil. If you start lettuce seeds indoors, give the seedlings bright overhead lights such as LED during germination."